Author Archives: clabersmith


2016 Baxter and Boyd Lake Trip Part 3

After our very long day hiking Katahdin and a last night sleeping in our tents we were all happy to pack up and head down to the Smith family camp on Boyd Lake for a few days of relaxation.

Unfortunately we fell down on the job of getting some pictures of the camp, so here’s  a picture of the lovely Lisa Smith and her dog Tiki showing off the back of the camp from another trip (which I stole off of her Facebook account along with the picture at the top of this post):


As in these older pictures we were blessed with great weather and had a relaxed schedule of reading, swimming, canoeing and cooking for several days.  On one of those canoe trips, Rebecca and I did our annual blueberry picking on an area near the island aways across the lake from our camp. We were having good luck getting enough to make our traditional camp blueberry pie, but came across an initially cute looking chipmunk that turned out to be in the process of killing and eating a frog, and a red squirrel that seemed very unhappy about sharing the blueberry bushes with us.  We both decided that we should probably cut our time short on “Rabid Squirrel Island” and beat a retreat back to the canoes.

Here was the product of our heroic efforts:



And a few other shots of the cabin at night:



All-in-all, a great end to an awesome vacation!