This is the second day of our trip to Baxter and Boyd Lake. The trip to Baxter Peak on Mount Katahdin from Roaring Brook Campground is 5.5 miles one way using the easiest trail, the Saddle. We tried to get as early a start as possible knowing that we would be returning in the evening close to dark if we didn’t budget according. We ended up getting on the trail around 8:30, a little later then we hoped. We had to keep a good eye on the time as we made our way through various parts of the trip to avoid that, but did have flashlights just in case. Here’s Rebecca and me all rested and composed early in the hike:
Baxter State Park rivals some of the national parks in beauty and ruggedness. One of the challenges is that there is no potable water available. There is plenty of clean running water, but you have to either treat it with iodine tables or use some kind of filter to avoid Giardia and other nasty bugs:
Here’s Carrie about half way up the Saddle trail to Baxter Peak. What secret can she be thinking of?
Toby near the top of Saddle:
We made it up to the rim, but it was still a slog to the top.
Finally, the peak!
Find the clue to the next puzzle and then come back for this one: _ _ _ _ _ _ _.
Toby about to go back over the side and start the long, slow descent down the rock slide that is the Saddle trail.
Phew! Back at Chimney pond.
Finally on some flat ground near Roaring Brook.
We did make it back before dark, although it was getting pretty close to twilight as we walked into camp. Sadly I was too tired to get any pictures that night but there was a very happy dinner of cheesy rice, canned chicken and olives followed by deep sleep in the tents that night!