Monthly Archives: August 2013

Road Trip Day Thirty-Six

We may have awakened in a glorious, picturesque campground, but we sure didn't end our day that way! Today's travels took us from the Cedar Pass campground in the Badlands to the Jellystone “campground” in Sioux Falls. As you can see, the juxtaposition was pretty shocking.



Between heaven and hell is the Mitchell Corn Palace. This living monument to America's staple crop is a must see!

Toby scored a quick geocache just outside, earning his South Dakota badge.

Inside there were corn murals:

Corn displays:

Corn snacks:

Hilarity ensued:



In the evening we explored downtown Sioux Falls, including Falls Park. The unusual rock formations there were perfect for climbing.

And meditating.



The boys don't know it yet, but tomorrow we're spending the day at a water park. Let's hope our streak of incredibly good luck holds and it's nice out!